Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Yaa IM Venting 4 alil

Imma just vent while its still fresh! I am sitting in my classroom right now and I am baffled at my Co teachers behavior. As I previously stated that this week was a huge week for me for I am being evaluated by my school and the board of education. To add salt on the wound it doesn't help that me or my co teacher has no experience teaching not to mention the language barrier. Anyways she is stressing today we showed the school are open class. On my behalf it went smooth for me. Of course it was rehearsed they made me rehearse it but it was still natural for me. However her on the other hand she was so nervous..She let her nervousness dictate her performance. That is one of the things athletics taught me.. All my life I have preformed in front of others. I won some I lost some.However I was never worried about who was watching or anything like that I just did my best. No different for teaching in my eyes. I am no teacher by any means! I love talking, I love kids, I know English, and I am enthusiastic about the material I am presenting...

Well you know what they say Birds of a feather flock together...Lol well she was starting to bring me down I just started to get in a fowl mood just because her whole attitude towards me went down because she did not do well and it didn't go according to how she thought it should have. Anyways I just had to vent for a moment because everyone wants to do good at their job no one wants go half hearted or not give your all...If I wouldn't give my all I wouldn't have came to KOREA. We have two days to fix and tweak this SIMPLE SIMPLE SIMPLE English lesson. Needless to say I will be glad when Friday is over. I hope everyone and anyone that is reading has a good day and rest of the week...Until then my friends. please please please if u have AN attitude at this moment of time. Please stop and pray and put some LATITUDE IN THAT ATTITUDE. Peace!

1 comment:

A said...

ohhh....i hate that. when one persons mood brings everyone down... ugh.

well hope you did well!